Client Care
Please submit your warranty request by filling and submitting the form below and we will reach out to you within one business day.
If you have an emergency request, specifically related to heating on sub 40-degree temperature, air conditioning on over 90-degree temperature, flooding inside of your home, no electricity (specific to your home and not multiple homes around you) please call this number 979-977-5801 and leave a message. A client care representative will call you back. These items should not be submitted online to avoid unnecessary delays in providing service.
In case of an emergency with your home that presents imminent danger to persons or damage to property, immediately contact emergency service personnel (dial 911) or contact the respective utility provider (city, electric, water, or gas company).
Let us know what service request we can complete for you by filling out the form below. A representative from RNL will then contact you to schedule an appointment.
All non-emergency warranty requests will be scheduled between 8:30am and 4:00pm M-F.
Water shut-off valve
In this video we briefly explain the functionality of the water shut-off valve.
Fireplace Maintenance
In this clip, we explain maintenance of your fireplace, as well as how to close the gas line.
Garage maintenance and troubleshooting
In this clip, we explain maintenance of your garage, as well as troubleshooting in case minor issues occur.
Resetting GFCI outlets
In this clip, we show how to reset the GFCI outlets in the home
Resetting a GFCI / Arch Fault Combination Breakers
In this clip, we show how to reset a GFCI / Arch Fault Combination Breakers in the home
Replacing an LED recessed can lights
In this clip, we show how to replace an LED recessed can light
Smoke and CO detectors maintenance
In this clip, we show how to replace the batteries of your smoke and CO detectors
Client Care Manual

RNL Homes Client Care Manual
(Updated April 2022)
Your New RNL home comes set with a limited warranty program. This client care manual is a useful guide full of information about the warranty and care for your new home.